Mission & Vision
It is the mission of Michigan American Legion Wilwin at Cygnet Cove to provide a facility to care for our disabled and handicapped Veterans in a relaxed atmosphere. Providing the necessary therapeutic care needed, administered by licensed professionals; to utilize the property as a reconnect center for returning war veterans and their families after long deployments; to provide a visitation place for all veterans to utilize on special occasions, events, or vacation; to provide a place for our youth to enjoy the outdoors, including scouting groups, community groups, and other youth organizations.
It is the vision of Michigan American Legion Wilwin at Cygnet Cove to be recognized as a premiere facility throughout the Midwest for our veterans catering to those who are disabled or handicapped as a place to go for rest, relaxation, recuperation, and recreation as part of their rehabilitation; to become a training and educational center for other non-profit organizations; and to become a center for serving America’s youth by giving them an enjoyable outdoor experience.
The objectives of Wilwin are as follows:
1. To encourage the American Legion Family and all other Veteran organizations to stay involved with Wilwin at Cygnet Cove by continued monetary support and to continue supplying volunteer labor and professional expertise to build and upgrade the facilities.
2. To continue utilizing the property as a place for disabled and handicapped veterans and their families to rest, relax, recreate, recuperate and rehabilitate.
3. To offer continued support for severe PTSD and TBI patients, working with clinical psychologists and the VA Medical Centers by providing a place for therapeutic care.
4. To work with all organizations who provide recognized therapeutic rehabilitation services for veterans.
5. To work with Veteran organizations’ “Reconnect Committees and National Guard units to have families reunite after deployment to a war zone, and to keep available on premise the “Elmobility” equipment and other recreational accommodations for the children of these families.
6. To establish a rustic campground that accommodates a limited number of veterans, their families, and guests who wish to camp out on the property and enjoy all activities that the facility has to offer.
7. To establish a bivouac and camping area for scouting groups and other youth organizations, offering them an opportunity to enjoy all the benefits that nature has to offer.
8. To team up with National veteran sporting organizations to offer outdoor sporting opportunities for our disabled and handicapped veterans.